人權監察誠聘項目幹事、行政幹事 Project / Executive Officers

香港人權監察誠聘項目幹事、行政幹事 Project / Executive Officers

A. 項目幹事,推動教育及人權工作。
B. 行政幹事,負責行政、會務和活動支援工作。

A. 項目幹事

l 研究及監察社會政策及人權狀況;
l 人權議題倡議,包括聯合國等游說活動;
l 撰寫中英文報告、意見書及新聞稿等;
l 策劃、推行及檢討項目,如為公民教育製作教材、展覽、單張、網頁等;
l 行政及會務工作,偶爾處理查詢或求助個案。

l 關注本地人權議題及社會公義;
l 大學程度,中英文優良;
l 熟悉時事、政制、公共政策、以及社會/政 治理論;
l 有人權、法律、教學、個案或民間團體工作經驗優先;
l 習慣在壓力及雙語環境下工作;
l 具良好溝通能力,擅長互聯網及社群媒體更佳。

B. 行政幹事

職 責:
n 協助會務及行政事務;
n 聯絡、動員、組織和發展會員及義工;
n 協助會內外溝道,如撰寫中英文書信、電郵,管理網頁等;
n 協助各類申請及報告,填寫各類表格,草擬答覆;
n 支援會議和管理活動,安排人手、分工和器材物資等;
n 採購服務及物品, 尋找、維護、管理及存取資訊、器材及物品;
n 負責收支、薄記、會計和核數實務,預備各式文書和報表;
n 協助監察、研究、出版、財政、 行政、會務的資訊更新和管理;
n 協助其他人事、合約管理、行政及其他支援工作。

n 大學程度,中英文優良;
n 熟識電腦、常用軟件、中文輸入、製作網頁;
n 懂會計;
n 習慣在壓力及雙語環境下 工 作;
n 表達技巧及電話禮儀良好,擅長口語及文書溝通;
n 熟識社群媒體及網絡保安更佳;
n 關注本地人權議題,有民間團體工作經驗優先。

有意者請盡速把求職信及履歷,電郵至 int@hkhrm.org.hk 。請註明申請職位,列明會考及高考中英文成績、學位級別、月薪要求、最早到職日期(或 離職通知期), 並請在電郵標題中亦註明申請的職位。


Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
Recruitment of Project / Executive Officers

We are now hiring the following positions:

A. Project Officer – campaign for human rights and promote human rights education.
B. Executive Officer – Responsible for administration, daily operation of the organization and providing support for campaigns.

A. Project officer


l Research and monitor social policies and human rights situations;

l Advocate for human rights issues, including UN advocacy and lobbying;

l Draft reports, submissions, statements and press releases in both English and Chinese;

l Plan, execute and review projects, e.g. produce materials for education, exhibitions, flyers and web content for civic education;

l Administration and daily operations; handle enquiries or cases occasionally.


l Knowledge of local human rights issues and social justice;

l University graduate with good English and Chinese;

l Knowledge in current events, political structure, public policies, and social / political theories;

l Experience in human rights, law, education, case work or NGOs an advantage;

l Could work under pressure in a bilingual environment;

l Good in communication; Internet and social media skills preferred.

B. Executive Officer


n Assist in daily operation and administration;

n Liaise, mobilize, organize, develop members and volunteers

n Assist in internal and external communications: e.g. draft letters, emails and web content, etc., in both English and Chinese

n Assist in writing various applications and reports, filing in forms and drafting responses;

n Support meetings, manage events and materials,, arrange manpower and assign tasks;

n Purchase services and materials; sourcing, maintaining, managing, archiving information, and safekeeping equipment and other materials;

n Responsible for transactions, bookkeeping, accounting, auditing, and preparation of documents and statements;

n Assist in monitoring, research, publication, finance, administration, and updating and management of the organization's information;

n Assist in human resources, contract management, and other executive or logistic functions.


n University graduate with good English and Chinese;

n Proficient in computer, common software, Chinese input and webpage design;

n Accounting skills;

n Could work under pressure in a bilingual environment;

n Have good verbal and written communication and presentation skills, proper telephone manners;

n Good knowledge of social media and IT security preferred;

n Knowledge of local human rights issues, previous experience in NGOs an advantage.

Interested parties please send CV with covering letter to int@hkhrm.org.hk. State the position you wish to apply, grades of Chinese and English in HKCEE and HKALE, class of degree, salary expected and earliest date available (or notice period for resignation). Please specify "Job application" and the position in the e-mail subject.

(All data received will be kept confidential and would only be used for hiring purpose.)

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