
大中公益网096.ca 2012年11月30日 08:48 来源:大中报记者南茜(Nancy Jin) [ 加大字体 | 缩小字体 ]
"I bailed Weizhen Tang because he is innocent"

唐玮臻于上月被法庭裁决$ 5200万元欺诈罪后的第二天,就失去了自由。在一名45岁的美发师拒绝再为他担保后,法官取消了他的保释资格。
Weizhen Tang lost his freedom the day after he was convicted in a $ 52 million dollar fraud last month, since the judge cancelled Tang's bail after a 45-year-old hairdresser withdrew herself as his surety.

但是在黄洪辉先生和另一名女士为唐提出新的保释计划后,唐再次获准保释。 黄先生愿意提供$ 35万元保释金,而最终法官在保释聆讯中判定两名担保人各提供$ 15万元的担保。
But Tang's bail was renewed in a bail hearing after two new sureties, Mr. Hung Tai Wong and another Chinese woman arrived with a new surety plan. Wong offered to post $ 350,000 bail; the judge settled the bail hearing at $ 150,000 each.

In an exclusive interview with Chinese News, Mr. Wong said that he is willing to pledge his assets so that Tang could be released from jail.

"Tang promised not to escape, and would follow his bail conditions," said Wong. "I trust him one hundred percent!"
The 60-year-old Mr. Wong, an old immigrant from Hong Kong, came to Canada in 1970, and currently works as a chef and the owner of a restaurant in Mississauga. Wearing a pair of dark framed spectacles on his lean face, Wong has a light build and is of average height. With a native Cantonese tongue, he speaks Mandarin and English.

But Wong has strong financial resources and is qualified to act as a surety for Tang.

黄先生表示:"我的总资产值大约达$ 40万元左右,其中现金约$ 8万元。"
"I have around $ 400,000 in total assets, with $ 80,000 in cash," explained Wong.

当被问及为什么会愿意为已经被判定$ 5200万元欺诈罪的唐做担保人时,黄表情愤怒,双眉因情绪激动而拧成一团。
When asked why he wants to be a surety for Tang – who has been convicted of fraud in the amount of $ 52million – Wong appeared infuriated, with his eyebrows twitching in anger:

"It's a judicial persecution!"

The frustrated Wong says that Tang is a victim of the judicial system. In facing the powerful legal authorities, Wong claims, Tang could not even afford a legal counsel to protect his legal rights.

"I personally believe that the crown, the judge and the OSC colluded to persecute Tang… This is extremely unfair to Tang and it is unjustified."

While admitting that he is not very familiar with Tang's entire case, Wong told Chinese News that he firmly believes that Tang's investors' money was all lost during the financial meltdown, and that Tang is innocent of fraud.

"They (the prosecution) kept telling me during the bail hearing that the investors' money was lost, but they could not answer my question as to where the money went… Apparently, the money was lost in the market, during the financial storm in 2008."

"They made a simple case so complicated!"

Wong repeatedly stressed that the 28 "victims" were simply Tang's clients and that Tang did not defraud them.

"Tang is innocent."

According to Wong, he has been an active stock trader, with over 40 years of trading experience, mostly in options trading. "I've made money and I've lost money… over the years, my trading performance breaks even."

Wong said it is unnecessary for him to review all the details of Tang's case before reaching his personal conclusion. After he met with Tang, and talked to his wife Hong Xiao, he believes that Tang was framed for a crime he didn't commit.

黄称:"在我从报纸上获悉唐被定罪后,我就主动联系唐的妻子。在我和唐的妻子交谈后,我感到非常气愤…… 唐并没有将这些钱装进自己的腰包。"
"I started to contact Tang's wife after I learned from the newspapers about Tang's conviction. After I talked to his wife, I got extremely frustrated," said Wong. "Tang did not put the money into his own pocket."

黄称, 他一个虔诚的宗教信徒,不能接受人类生活中的任何不公正现象。
Wong says he is a sincere religious believer, and doesn't accept any injustice in human life.

黄称:"我的车里有藏有两本圣经,一本英文版,一本中文版。我相信上帝,我不信任人类制定的法律…… 上帝为所有遭到不公平待遇的人寻求公理,伸张正义。"
"I have two bibles in my car, one in English and one in Chinese. I believe in God, and I don't trust the human made law," said Wong. "The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly."

Wong told Chinese News that he wants the whole world to know his opinions towards Tang's case.

"I feel obligated to be his surety."

According to media reports, Tang's sentencing hearing started Wednesday, and he will remain free on bail until at least Jan. 9, when the sentencing hearing resumes.

在周三的刑期庭审间, 检控官向法庭申请要求判唐10年之刑期,而唐的法庭指定律师则要求5年以下。几名受害者向法庭提供了"受害人经历证词"。一名投资者说,她的投资损失殆尽后,她的家人唯一的选择就是在她死亡后领取她的人寿保险。
While the Crown attorney sought a 10-year sentence during Wednesday's hearing, Tang's court appointed lawyer was arguing for five years or less. Several victims delivered "victim impact statements" during the hearing. One investor stated that after the money was lost, the only option her family had was to claim the death benefit from her life insurance policy.

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