

北京将有暴雨来临应验 江再出山安邦


尽管7.21暴雨给北京浇的透心凉,甚至彻底乱了方寸。 但牛博所指的真正暴雨应还没来临。

近期乱相丛生,薄熙来事件使党的威信受损,打乱十八大布局;各地群体事件频发,党的领导受到空前考验;经济硬着陆风险大增,改革开放到了攻艰时刻。此刻正需要稳定党心民心。下周中共高层就要易师北戴河商议十八大人事安排。 就在这时,老人家再次走进人们视野。官方通过新华社发布了江泽民为简明中国历史读物作的序,退出政坛有些时日的老人家此时出山意义非凡。注意作序的时间是七月十三日,一周后中共召开省部级高级干部研讨班。首先看看还能掷笔作序的老人家说些什么?


看看,民族要振兴, 国家要强盛,中共要发展,领导要英明,都必须学习历史经验,吸取历史营养,把握历史规律,继承历史成就。“要真正形成对祖国、对民族的深切之爱、理性之爱“。“加深民族感情、增强民族自信心,更加信心百倍地投身坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟事业”。


牛泪博今年春天提醒,“该关注一下老人家了“,还说,“不排除突然会来那么一下子,给中国政局,尤其是十八大人事布局造成冲击”。 “如果此事在十八大前发生,那么政治局常委、委员名单可能就要面临很大变数了“。

看来, 牛博有先知先觉,十八大会有变数。










I figured out a great deal or resolution to the crown attorney office

The scheduled trial of Sept. 10 ,2012 is a wasteful, costly to the government and meaningless and unfair and harmful since the crown does not know business and finance , I do not know the legalise.

I understand that there is no real, true evidences, but all evidences falsified in the court, the crown has all the controls in court and no responsibility, no risk even if they are wrong.

The only evidence all we need is my trading ability and profitability.

I figured out a resolution that is reasonable and fair to everybody including my investors, If they prove wrong, all them should be admitted wrong and guilty, all be fired. My investors and I can forgive them if they ask and give them a pardon if they apology.

To be fair, we need something everybody understand, that is the money and number, money talk

First Run for the 8 weeks' trial and quick results: 10% weekly to show skills and ability

If I could deliver 10% weekly during the trial period, I could make lot of money for investors and the economy in future, could pay all investors

For the 8 weeks trial time period, I will promise 10 % weekly return in trading my IB account of almost half million dollar idle fund to the public every week for the jury, If I am successful, I will pay the court cost and jury, should be acquitted.

If I fail to do so, they can send me to jail in 8 weeks.

Second Run for the three years business and time lost in the past, 1% theory and practice long term

I will find the money and seed capital from our existing business accounts or wealthy millionaire investors only, trade, make and pay 60 million dollars in three years for my current investors under the regulatory watch and to public by reality show every day, everything will be open and to the public

Only I f I lose, I would admit and they can do anything to me including jail

If I win, they have to pay:

If I were successful, the crown has to compensate us of 60 million dollars in time and business for the past three years and I will donate all to a union, or the public service of the city of Toronto or Ontario and Canada, I may be able to find another 60 million dollars of profit to donate our Chinese Communities and the economy. My three years 's target and plan is 300 million dollars in asset. If I am successful, I would revolutionalize the financial indutry for good.

Let's put the criminal case and OSC matter all in one and save the government.

All are in the real public interest. Chinese Warren Buffett self-billed or not is a greatest asset and role model for the financial industry and the future of capitalist to put investors' interest first and hero of anti-fraud.

Mr Tang!

this is most interesting concept. can you wait, and let me ask someone about how to best present this to the crown, in professional, serious way. If you would, mr tang, let my group and i do research a few days, to see if there is such deals or precedent, etc!

otherwise, to just propose to crown, etc, would be premature, and you want not be treated as serious!

let's win against the bad 1%

respect, wj

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面对经济危机听古典音乐找出路(新闻视频).影片来源: www.NTDTV.com 【新唐人2012年6月18日讯】德国财长朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schaeuble)星期天在柏林大赞古典音乐可以帮助人们面对像希腊危机这样的棘手难题,找到一条出路。 6月18日环球财经简讯希腊能不能留在欧元区危机仍在法大选社会党出头奥朗德地位更稳德国金融部长朔伊布勒在希腊选举结果揭晓前数小时表示,如何对待希腊危机,音乐并没有答案,但它能帮助我们找到"生活的新出路。" 朔伊布勒: "我不认为音乐、艺术或文化可以给我们实际的答案,例如我们要对希腊做什么,或不做什么。但我相信,文化可以帮助我们,尤其是音乐,为我们的生活找一个新的出路。" 朔伊布勒这番话意在强调音乐对社会的重要性,希望活在艰难时期下的人们,能从古典音乐中获得一些宽慰。 新唐人记者陈新梅综合报导如果您有新闻线索或资料要给新唐人,请进入安全爆料平台http www.youtube.com .突破网路封锁看新唐人(大陆网友适用): www.youtube.com 其他推荐: 看动态网:晓天下事www.dongtaiwang.com 中国大陆突破网络封锁专用软件:动态网自由门破网软件www.dongtaiwang.com

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